Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day at the Beach!

Let me just start by saying, I'm pooped.
And sunburnt.
To a crisp.
Seriously my face is the color of a tomato.
I'm now sitting on the couch in a parka because I'm freezing.

And a seagull ate my sandwich......
It was packed away in a bag in my purse.
I took all precautions to ensure my sandwich would not be eaten while I was in the water.
Obviously the seagull out smarted me.
I'm not bitter obviously....

With that said I had a great day. I spent the day at Carpinertia State beach with my mom, my best friend Jazzyknickers (that's what I've called for, well, for as long as I can remember. Can anyone name the book it's from?) and her little brother. Carp is just a short drive from my house and one of my favorite beaches. Boy was it packed today too! I have been wanting to go to the beach and swim for a long time. It has just been too gosh darn cold! But today was beautiful.

Here's me and Jazzy after our hour long romp in the ocean. It took me 45 min to convince her to put her head under when the waves come. She's a chicken.

Here is the little man (refusing to let me take his picture) looking for sand dollars and sand crabs. No sand dollars but hundreds of sand crabs!
He broke that bucket 10 minutes later by the way.
Along with the shovel.......

My feetsies after testing the water temperature. Little man says it was "50/50" and 
I agree the water wasn't half bad once you got in.

The gorgeous beach. I love this beach because there isn't much seaweed or rocks. We played in the water for almost an hour. See that thing floating out there? That's a platform you can swim to! The only downside is bird poop. Yep that's right there's birds at the beach and they poop. On everything.....But nevertheless it's fun to swim out to. You get a feeling like you're doing something wrong because you get out past the surf and can no longer touch. I like that feeling of breaking the rules.

By the end of the day we were all exhausted with sand in places we shall not name. 

1 comment:

  1. My favorite beach too!!! Am missing it this year! Glad you had a great time! I relate to Jazmine TOTALLY! ;)
