
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Goodbye Ventura. It's been real.

Schools around the corner and I'm headed back to Chico. I always miss Ventura when I'm away. The growing beach town that is intertwined in agriculture. It is just gorgeous.

Of course I'm going to miss my friends and family. The beautiful, constant, rarely below 60, rarely above 75 degree weather. All my favorite places to eat and shop. My garden.

But thing I miss the most are honestly my poopy Cheyanne, my Smokie bear, and Leonard. I don't have any pets in Chico and it gets lonely sometimes when I'm home alone.

As you'll be able to tell I love taking pictures of my pets. I have a ridiculous amount.

Here's Cheyanne. She has many names but most involve poopy.
This is her scientist look.
 Her action shot!
I took a photography class and had to show movement so I made her run up and down the backyard until I got the picture I wanted. I'm mean I know.
 Here she is looking like a princess. So loves to pose. I swear I want her life. All she does is sleep in the sun all day. Play with her toys and eat treats. 

Funny enough she loves to garden. We go in the backyard together and she sticks her head in my raised bed looking for things to steal. She loves cucumbers and always steals them. Everyday she goes and sniffs and licks the tomatoes. I think she's just as excited as I am for them to ripen. 
 Here's Leonard. He's named after the character on the Big Bang Story. This is probably the only picture I have of him because he is the biggest brat. Currently he has all the fish tank ornaments I put in there in a pile in the corner of the tank. It doesn't matter how many times I put it all back because in the morning it's all in a pile again. For Christmas one year I bought him some new plants. He ripped them out and killed them within a week. I try and talk to him and interact with him and he flares at me and hides. He loves Smokie though. Smokie stares at him and tries to attack him and Leonard flares his fins and thrashes around the tank. It's quite comical when Smokie tries to bite him because he repeatedly smashes his face on the glass. 
 Here's my Smokie baby.
 Isn't he adorable? 

He has the biggest attitude. When I pet him he cringes as if I going to beat him. He gives death stares from across the room when you talk to him. He enjoys clawing everything in my room along with knocking all my stuff off of my shelves. He love yelling at me at 5am to let him out and occasionally biting me so I get up. I love to fake him out though. I get up and say "you want to go out?" in an excited voice. When he runs for the back door I close my bedroom door. Mean I know, but he knows he's not allowed out until it's light out.

When he isn't a total butt he can really be a spaz. He will run from the top of our stairs into our laundry room where he slides into the dryer because he was going too fast. Cheyanne and him love to play the "I'm going to get you game". Cheyanne chases him and he attempts to out smart and out run her while he tries to get to the fence. He generally wins.
 Here's George aka Georgie. Sadly he is no longer with us but I miss him. He adopted us. Some horrid neighbors I had didn't take care of him and left him when they moved. After some coaxing we finally got him to let us pet him and put him in the garage during winter nights. Then one day he basically moved in and wasn't going anywhere. He was a grumpy old man but a big lover.
He loved my garden too.
 Except he liked to lay in it.......

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